Part 1
The cast of characters that live, work and play at 164 Wentworth Street in Charleston, South Carolina are as delightfully different as the cars they drive and the dogs they own. It was pure luck that we landed at this address and are sharing this busy corner with these folks, albeit for just a while. The lead player is Priestly Cooper Coker (goes by PC) who is a very likable chap and runs, seemly with ease, a small empire. Our mansion (literally) is one of several he owns and manages throughout the residential neighborhoods. Supporting cast include PC's son Cooper, who we don't see too much of. He shows up from time to time, but generally sends Willy over to cover maintenance issues. Willy has lived here 'bouts all his life; he's friendly and likes conversation. He didn't flinch a bit when George and I showed up on moving day with our UHaul. Jumped right in to help carry load after load up these steps - 17of them to be exact.
This play bill gives a brief bio of the main players including a mention of dog pals. On the ground floor is one apartment inhabited by the only undergrads, so one has to be lenient about the comings and goings down there. I think there are suppose to be two guys, but who knows. I have not met either of them - I only hear them. Their worst offense is door slamming, often and loud. All in all, they play a minor role in the dynamics of the house. No dog pals on the ground floor.
We live on the first floor up (remember 17 steps) in A2. We have Woody of course, and are the oldest (and wisest). Warren and Chris and Jules live next to us in A1. Warren and Chris (female) got married two weeks ago and they have dog pal Sailor and ailing dog Slim. Slim's deaf and mostly blind and wears diapers. Everyone is most tolerant here. Jules is a friend of Warren and Chris. They all seem to make it work. Warren is a law student, Chris sells pharmaceuticals. Not sure what Jules does.
Directly over us on the second floor is Christina. She's a grad student at the Citadel and believe it or not, doesn't have a dog....yet. Next door to her on second is my new best friend, Megan and her roommate Dan. Megan is a delight and so is Dido her boxer. Dan is delightful too. He's hyper, very. He is a ex marine, student at the Citadel and student at the College of Charleston and works for Charleston Place as the head concierge. He runs marathons, swims the Ashley and Cooper Rivers and bikes relentlessly. He's adorable and has several girl friends. Megan and Dan are just sharing space and Dido.
Way up on third, lives Donna and dog pal Paco. Donna is recently divorced and has a decorating business.
She moved in a couple of weeks after us and Willy just got the last of her boxes out to the recylce. It's epic how much and how big the furniture is that moved up the steps to her apartment. She's trying to get her name out there and jump-start her business in Charleston. Donna is closest in age to us...but who can tell. I still look 40, right? Okay, 45. Beca lives next door to Donna with Bruce...her dog pal. She works for the Charleston Aquarium and is an artist. She's on the backside of a breakup and is making up for lost time with a stream of guys coming and going. Bruce is the funniest looking dog I have ever seen. George keeps waiting for him to speak.
There are others in the out-lying the driveway and in the carriage house. They mainly keep to themselves and don't contribute to the dynamics of 164.
The dogs romp up and down the stairs and rumble on the porch. We all meet coming in or going out or hanging around. Everyone is friendly and helpful, watching each others dogs and collecting the mail. I was invited upstairs to Megan's last night to watch The Batchelor with four twenty-somethings! Life is good.
164 Wentworth Street |