Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Yoga Over 50"

yeah, right

I’ve been practicing yoga for 15 or 20 years… give or take.  During that time, I’ve had a few “time outs” and slipped in my routine, but all in all, I’ve stuck with it.  My practice is like most things I do….kinda-sorta.  My years on the ski slopes only took me to the lowest grade of intermediate…guess I’m just a mediocre kind of gal.  So my personal journey with yoga is similar.  I still struggle with many of the poses, don’t know any Sanskrit language and fall asleep during relaxation.  (you’re not supposed to be THAT relaxed)  I can’t help myself.  I’m usually exhausted by that point!  “ In the moment, mindful”….are you kidding?  I’m only mindful of how wonderful it feels to lie prone.  Maybe I’m the only one who doesn’t get it.  Come on, it is a lot to take it, isn’t it?  For starters, there’s all different types of yoga: Anusara, Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga and Hot, for God’s sake.  That’s just to name a few.  And the poses or positions or postures (take your pick of terminology) have names like downward facing dog, cobra, pigeon, cat, cow and my favorite, corpse.  The idea is to synchronize your breath as you move through the postures to heighten mind, body and spirit.  The central philosophy is the law of karma.  You reap what you sow.  To be more balanced, composed and connected.   I find the law of gravity plays a bigger part.  I caught a side angle glimpse of myself in the floor to ceiling mirror yesterday….sprawled in down-dog.  It was not a pretty sight.  Humbling doesn’t even come close.   My yoga “bible” is titled “Yoga Over 50” and promises to help one “find the way to vitality, health and energy in the prime of life.”  That’s a pretty tall order and a mighty promise, but I’m counting on it. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Still Reliving the Holidays

This year’s Book Club Christmas party chalks up there…..way up.  It was a night to remember.  Forget the spit and polish.  Pat and family laid out a splendid country gourmet banquet fit for the landed gentry.  It was true Town and Country picture-book perfect, as we gathered around the fire-pit to sip our wine, and bellied up to the oyster table to shuck a few.  Hot butter and cocktail sauce sloshed up to our elbows as we downed a few bushel full before we were escorted down to the barn for the main course.  Dinner was served in the barn….the barn to end all barns.  Did I say no spit and polish?  I lied.  This is definitely spit spot!  A true show place.  Tables lined up end on end to seat 20. Blazing candelabras adorned the setting.  Bowls of Brunswick stew were dished out with baskets of breads passed around.  All blessed with full hearts for good times and good friends, we ate with relish and savored the moment.  It was definitely a holiday highlight for me.  Thanks Pat for doing it just right.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Country Living

Recently while in North Carolina, George and I took a sojourn down the road and headed to Layden’s Country Store.  Bound for homemade sausage and hoop cheese, we struck out for Belvidere.  It’s a gem of a place and the hub of activity for half-dozen or so counties.  It’s got it all.  When we pulled in, the hunter’s outside were gassing up their boat for a day on the water.  Dressed head to toe in camouflage, they were already spinning tales of the day’s booty.   A bell jangled over the door as we pushed it open into the inviting space.  “Hi ya’ll,” said a voice from behind the ancient cash register. “Come on in.”  The smell of wood smoke, sausage cooking and well- oiled floors floated on the air and the whole store just sighed “stay a spell.”  It’s a pure slice of American and I’m afraid a fading landmark.  We stocked up on hard to find staples….special items we wanted for the holidays.  Sausage, hoop cheese, saltines, cinnamon hard candy and glass bottled coke filled our bags when we left for the return trip to town.  What a great way to spend the morning, quite an adventure.

 I always did love country life.  (You know I was born on farm.)  Must have it in my veins.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Eve

  Kill Devil Hills, NC

There’s always a lot of hoorah about New Year’s Eve.   What’s everybody doing?  Where’s everybody going?  Should we just stay in this year....stay home?  That option is always tempting, but I just can’t bring myself to do it.  I know I have a bad case of FOMO (fear of missing out) and it kicks into high gear around New Years.  I mean, it is the big kick off. 

So, we invited dear friends to join us at Kill Devil Hills for an evening of fun and frivolity.  There were eight of us, all beds were spoken for, and cars began pulling in by 4:00 on Monday afternoon.  The protocol is to bring your own linens so we don’t have to bother with laundry in the morning, and of course the unspoken, but strictly adhered to policy, is to arrive with a plethora of food and beverage.   
Phyllis and Margene pulled in first and claimed the twin room (that made sense).  Their beds were made up by the time Dru and Everett arrived with Howie.  Made sense to assign them to the downstairs suite since Howie brought along his crate.  We had all taken a walk on the beach searching for beach glass and running behind the dogs, by the time the O’Neals arrived….cocktail hour.
An evening of constant conversation including politics, gun control, music, books, real estate, television programing, ship wrecks, and who can remember what, was followed by dinner and more wine and lots more conversation.
Those of us with FOMO decided to head over to Manteo for some live music and a taste of the wild side.  Poor Richard’s is a tiny waterfront bar that is the favorite of Manteo locals - especially the gay and lesbian crowd.  It’s our all-time favorite hang-out.  It did not disappoint on New Year’s Eve.  It was rocking.   We weren’t.  Just not enough oomph.  In my case, not enough alcohol.  Actually not any.  Which turned out to be a good thing.  Brilliant really.  We got pulled over on the way back.  We figure it was just a blind call, but my inspection sticker was six months overdue and my registration was not up to snuff.  He didn’t really know that though.  Not until AFTER he pulled me over.  I was very polite.  After all, I have never, ever gotten a ticket.  Honest.
I didn’t break my long standing record.  Just a warning to get in line ASAP on Wednesday morning and take care of it….and I did. 
We got back to the cottage unscathed and roused the dead-beaters out of their beds.  We actually saw the ball drop and had an orgy of a group hug at midnight.  Aren’t friends great!
We lingered over a huge, delicious breakfast provided by the O’Neals.  That was after consuming a box of Duck doughnuts that Everett picked up at daybreak.  Closed up New Year’s with the dishes all stacked in the dishwasher and suds just oozing out the top and sides.  Turns out I had put a laundry detergent pellet in the dishwasher.  Good grief.  It was a morning of mopping suds and running multiple cycles through and through.
All in all I chalk this one up as one of the best.  We held our own and managed to hang in until the midnight hour.  We are well and happy and oh, so lucky.  Happy New Year!