Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Yoga Over 50"

yeah, right

I’ve been practicing yoga for 15 or 20 years… give or take.  During that time, I’ve had a few “time outs” and slipped in my routine, but all in all, I’ve stuck with it.  My practice is like most things I do….kinda-sorta.  My years on the ski slopes only took me to the lowest grade of intermediate…guess I’m just a mediocre kind of gal.  So my personal journey with yoga is similar.  I still struggle with many of the poses, don’t know any Sanskrit language and fall asleep during relaxation.  (you’re not supposed to be THAT relaxed)  I can’t help myself.  I’m usually exhausted by that point!  “ In the moment, mindful”….are you kidding?  I’m only mindful of how wonderful it feels to lie prone.  Maybe I’m the only one who doesn’t get it.  Come on, it is a lot to take it, isn’t it?  For starters, there’s all different types of yoga: Anusara, Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga and Hot, for God’s sake.  That’s just to name a few.  And the poses or positions or postures (take your pick of terminology) have names like downward facing dog, cobra, pigeon, cat, cow and my favorite, corpse.  The idea is to synchronize your breath as you move through the postures to heighten mind, body and spirit.  The central philosophy is the law of karma.  You reap what you sow.  To be more balanced, composed and connected.   I find the law of gravity plays a bigger part.  I caught a side angle glimpse of myself in the floor to ceiling mirror yesterday….sprawled in down-dog.  It was not a pretty sight.  Humbling doesn’t even come close.   My yoga “bible” is titled “Yoga Over 50” and promises to help one “find the way to vitality, health and energy in the prime of life.”  That’s a pretty tall order and a mighty promise, but I’m counting on it. 

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