Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sunday Snow Storm

I haven’t had much experience driving in snow storms, but Sunday was my turn for a go at it.  We were in Elizabeth City for the weekend and heard that another winter storm system was barreling down on the East Coast.  With the uncertainty of just how bad the weather would get, we decided to head out and back to Farmville earlier than usual on Sunday. (Our plans are mostly for the benefit of my angst.  George never really intends to leave early.  Why don’t I know that by now?)

The morning completely got away from us while he dug up and replanted two trees.  This effort also required a trip to Lowes for mulch.  By 1:00 the skies were darkening and we had clearly missed the best window for departure.  Rain was pelting the windshield by the time we started north and had turned over to snow by Petersburg.

I was behind the wheel so George could read up on Monday’s lecture.  The car was quiet, almost hushed as the snow fell harder and began to blanket everything around us.  There weren’t too many other fools out, and many of those found themselves sliding off the road…some to the shoulder, some into the tree line and almost all of them facing the opposite way from their intended direction.  Slippin’ and Slidin’ one might say.  We passed over a dozen stranded folks.  There wasn’t a snow plow in sight.  We never passed a single highway patrol.  For a while we followed in the tracks of a single car ahead of us, but it eventually turned off at Blackstone.  With the lead car gone, I crept along at 15 MPH down what I hoped was the center line.  Snow crunched beneath the tires and when I looked in the rearview mirror I saw Woody staring transfixed out the window.  By that time, so was George.  The text book had been abandoned and he too was nervous.  I was white-knuckled as I gripped the wheel and concentrated on staying in the middle of the road, or at best, far away from the trees, ditches and embankments. 

It was a long two hours.  By the time we reached Crewe the snow was mixed with rain and much of the drama was gone.  I was wasted so I pulled over and let George get in the driver’s seat.  He took the wheel and drove us into Farmville without incident. 

I always say a prayer of thanks when we safely arrive at our destination….going and coming and Sunday was no exception.  Thank you Lord for bringing us safely to our journey’s end.

By Monday morning, the storm had moved up the coast and we were out enjoying (surely) the last snow of the season!

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